Sunday, September 30, 2018

What is written on your license plate? Do you know why?

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When I first time had a car in the United States in the state of New Jersey, the license plate had a legend which said 'Garden State'. I assumed that it could be a reference to the gardens and parks which the state has but, as I now know, my assumption was naive and incorrect. Then when I moved to Texas, the legend on the license plate changed to 'The Lone Star State'. However I didn't think much about it and it didn't arouse much curiosity in me.

But recently when I was travelling to North Carolina the tag on the license plates had me thinking. It mentioned 'First in Flight'. Now this had me thinking. Why was it that every state had a different legend on the license plate and what each of them meant? As usual did some online research and below are the results.

Though some of the states don't have a legend specified, most of the others do have one. The legend specified is generally associated with the history or geography of the state. For some the geographical features are widely known but for most the historical reasons are lesser known and so are the geographical features. Below is an attempt to capture the most interesting and intriguing of the tag lines currently in use and the reasons behind them.

Some of the states who don't have a legend specified generally use the webs address of their tourism website or the county where the plate is registered.

Alaska - The Last Frontier
Alaska was the 49th state to be added to the United States of America in the year 1959 and along with Hawaii are the last two states to join the union in that year.. Alaska is known for it's rough climate and rugged terrain. Only about one third of the state has so far been organised into political units. Most parts of the state are yet unexplored and unknown. It is for such extreme reasons that the state is called the 'Last Frontier'.

Arizona - Grand Canyon State
No explanation needed. The state is home to the most recognized natural feature of the country.

Arkansas - The Natural State
The state name is written as Arkansas but pronounced as Arkan-saw. The state is replete with gifts from nature consisting mountains, valleys, forests and fertile plains. These natural features makes it a top tourist attraction as well. The state adopted this nick name in 1959.

Connecticut - Constitution State
In 1639 Connecticut became the first state to adopt a written constitution known as the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. The first constitution was ratified by three Connecticut cities Windsor, Wethersfield and Hartford. In 1959 the state of Connecticut adopted this nick name.

Delaware - The First State
Delaware was one of the 13 colonies which participated in the American War of Independence.  And on December 7, 1787 was the first state to ratify the Constitution of the United States. And is since known as the First State.

Florida - Sunshine State
Florida adopted this nick name in 1970 and is mostly related to the weather of the state. Most of the state has a humid sub-tropical weather all through the year. Thus while during winter the north remains covered under layers of snow, Americans travel to Florida to enjoy the sun.

Georgia - Peach State
Peaches grown in Georgia are well known for their superior flavor, texture, appearance and nutritional value. Peach was made the state fruit of Georgia in 1995.

Hawaii - Aloha State
'Aloha' in Hawaiian language is used to greet someone; similar to a 'Hello'. Another  interpretation equates meaning of 'Aloha' to love. Quite understandably such a nick name is in line with this pristine beautiful island state.

Illinois - Land of Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, considered one of greatest among US Presidents, began his political career in the state of Illinois. And was also living here when he was elected as the US President in 1861. Even though Lincoln was born in Kentucky it was in Illinois where he flourished as a politician.

Kentucky - Bluegrass State
The state is named thus after the bluegrass which is found in the state specially in the northern part. Bluegrass is actually not blue; it's green. However in spring the purple buds of the grass lends the entire landscape a blue tinge when seen from a distance. And hence is the name.

Louisiana - Sportsman's Paradise
Louisiana has an abundant reserve of fishes and wild life. A lot of people reach out to the state to seek them through fishing and hunting. It is thus called a Sportsman's Paradise.

Maine - Vacationland
The legend on Maine license plates highlights the importance of tourism for the state. The state is one of the favorite vacation destinations for Americans all through the year.

Massachusetts - The Spirit of America
This is derived from the slogan the state adopted 'The Spirit of Massachusetts is The Spirit of America' since the entire slogan is too long to be fitted on the license plates.

Minnesota - 10,000 Lakes
The state is home to more than 10000 lakes including Lake Superior which is the largest fresh water lake in the world in terms of surface area.

Mississippi - Birth place of America's Music
Mississippi prides itself as the birth place of the blues music genre which originated within the African American community and has roots in African music traditions, African-American work songs and spiritual practices of the community.  Delta blues is one of the earliest styles of blues music which is known to have originated in the Mississippi Delta. And hence the the legend used on the state license plates.

Missouri - Show me State
This nick name of the state has been in usage for a long time. The exact origin of this name is unknown but there are few stories which are popular. One story is around the usage of the term by US Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver in 1890. While questioning the accuracy of an earlier speaker's remarks at a lecture he said "I come from a state that raises corn and cotton and cockleburs and Democrats, and frothy eloquence neither convinces or satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me".
And story is around miners from Missouri who worked in Colorado. Being unaware of Colorado mining methods they needed frequent instructions from the pit bosses. "That man is from Missouri. You'll have to show him."

Montana - Treasure State
Montana has  rich deposits of mineral and mining has been one of the important industries for the state. The state is know for it's deposits of gold and silver from where it derives it's nick name  also used on license plates.

Nevada - The Silver State
The state got it's nick name from the large amount of silver deposit it holds within it's borders. It is the second largest producer of silver in the United States after Alaska. Nevada's silver was used to fund the war efforts of the Union during the Civil War.

New Jersey - Garden State
According to historians the name was first used during Centennial Celebrations in Philadelphia on Jersey Day August 24, 1876 by Alfred M. Heston. The name has since stuck. It was placed on the license plates in 1954. As such New Jersey has more association with manufacturing, mining, commerce, transportation, shipping than anything to do with farming or gardening.

New Hampshire - Live Free or Die
This legend is adopted from a toast written by General John Stark, New Hampshire's most famous general in the American Revolutionary War, in 1809. He wrote "Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils". New Hampshire adopted this as the state motto in 1945 and is best know among all because of it's assertiveness of independence which synchronizes with American philosophy.

New Mexico - Land of Enchantment
The state is know for it's scenic beauty and rich history which is a mix of Indian, Anglo and Hispanic cultures. This legend was placed on the state license plates in 1941 and adopted as the it's nick name in 1999.

New York - Empire State
This is the nick name of New York and has been in use since the 19th century. There are many theories available around the origin of this name but no reason is know for sure. But all accounts point to the historical importance of this taste for the British empire and thereafter the American union in terms of trade and economy. This was virtually the state which controlled the empire.

North Carolina - First in Flight
Aviation pioneers Wright brothers achieved the first flight of a powered aircraft near to Kitty Hawk in North Carolina on December 17, 1903. It is from this historic event that North Carolina derives the current used legend for it's license plates. There is some rivalry between North Carolina and Ohio regarding this claim.

North Dakota - Peace Garden State
The state is home to the International Peace Garden border between Canada and  US. There is also the Peace Garden Park adjacent to the border outpost. The state adopted it's nick name as Peace Garden State in 1957.

Ohio - Birthplace of Aviation
Aviation pioneers Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and later on astronauts John Glenn (first American to orbit the Earth) and Neil Armistrong were natives of Ohio. Ohio adopted the slogan 'Birthplace of Aviation' to celebrate these heroes.

Oklahoma - Native America
Oklahoma is one of the states carved out of the Indian territory which was a federal protected area for Indians from 1830s till 1880s. The state derives it's name from the large population of Native Americans or Indians who used to inhabit the land.

Rhode Island - Ocean State
The state is know as Ocean State in reference to the large number of bays and inlets which account for about 14% of it's total area. The name started appearing on the license plates of Rhode Island from 1972.

South Carolina - While I Breathe, I Hope
Dum Spiro Spero in Latin means 'While I Breath, I Hope'. It is a modern paraphrase of ideas attributed ancient Greek write Theocritus and Roman philosopher Cicero. This is the motto adopted by the state of South Carolina.

South Dakota - Great Faces. Great Places.
This is the state slogan of South Dakota adopted in 1990. Great Faces refers to the faces of the legendary leaders carved on Mount Rushmore. Great Places refers to all the other beautiful places which are there to be seen around the state.

Tennessee- The Volunteer State
The state got this name from state's volunteer soldiers who fought bravely in Battle of New Orleans and achieved victory for the United States. This battle was one of the wars fought as part of the Battle of 1812 between the United States and United Kingdom. The Tennessee volunteers fought under the leadership of Major General Andrew Jackson; future President.
As per some other historians the name had it's roots in the role played by more than 30,000 volunteers in the 1840 Mexican War for the sovereignty of Texas.

Texas - The Lone Star State
Between 1835 to 1836 Texas fought with Mexico for its independence. After the conflict with Mexico, Texas remained an independent republic till its annexation by the United States in 1845. The flag of the Republic of Texas had a single star and the Texas state today carries on that legacy in remembrance of its once independent status.

Vermont - Green Mountain State
Because of the Green Mountain range which extends for more than 250 miles from North to South of the state.

Washington - Evergreen State
The nick name is quite commonly used and also on the license plates but has not been officially accepted by the state. The name mainly refers to the abundant forest cover which the state enjoys.

Washington DC - Taxation without Representation
Washington District of Columbia is federal district and is the capital of the United States. Residents of this federal district pay federal taxes but they don't have the opportunity but they don't have representation either in the Congress or Senate. The legend used on the license plates of Washington D.C. highlights this unique situation.

West Virginia - Wild, Wonderful
An obvious reference to its natural beauty of the state.

Wisconsin - America's Dairyland
By the time of World War I Wisconsin was ranked number one in the country in terms of dairy production and continued to be the leader all through the 1900s. The state promoted this reputation by placing the slogan on license plated in 1940. However in the 21st century California has overtaken Wisconsin in this ranking.

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